Dadpur union is a traditional area under the Noakhali Sadar upazila, which is a witness to the Kalar. Today, Dandpur union has its own personalities in different fields, including education, culture, religious ceremonies and sports.
A) Name - II Dadpur Union Council.
B) Size - 14.70 (square km)
C) Population - 30288 people (approx) (according to the 2011 census)
D) Number of villages - 19
E) Number of mouzas - 5
F) Hat / market number-2
G) Communication medium from upazila headquarters - CNG / rickshaw
H) Education rate - 49% (According to the 2001 educational survey)
Government Primary School - 08,
Non-Government Registry Pvt. School- 03,
High School: 1,
Madrasah- 2
I) Chairman of the service - Delwar Hossain
J) Important religious place- 2
K) Historical / tourist spots - no.
L) Setting up of UP building - 16/10/2006
D) Details of newly formed council -
1) Date of taking oath - 01/06/2011
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS